- USA Hockey Sanction #: 24-25-CS-04
- Official USA Hockey rosters must be submitted to the tournament director no later than Monday, February 10.
- Players are permitted to double-roster on no more than 2 teams, provided those players are properly rostered on multiple in-season teams (girls, high school and/or youth). Outside of special circumstances (ie. absent/injured goaltender), players are not permitted to double-roster on 2 teams playing in the same division.
- Tournament team rosters must be approved by USA Hockey and the tournament director. Players added to a tournament team roster must be playing on an equal- or lower-level team as the team they are joining for the tournament (ie. an in-season AA-level player cannot play on an A- or B-level tournament team/division; an in-season A-level player cannot play on a BB- or B-level tournament team/division).
- Teams are required to provide roster stickers for scoresheets prior to each game to either the tournament administrator or scorekeeper. Completed scoresheets will be e-mailed to each team manager following each game.
- Sample Scoresheet (for roster sticker-sizing purposes only): .PDF
- Tournament/rink waivers are not required from your team, players, families, etc.
- All non-SCAHA (Southern California)-based teams/programs - all rostered players, coaches and staff (team manager, etc.) - are required to book their hotel accomodations through EventConnect (no exceptions).
- The designated home team will wear dark-colored jerseys and visiting team light-colored jerseys. Teams are encouraged to work with the opposition (team manager/coach) before games to avoid potential jersey color conflicts.
- All USA Hockey playing and equipment rules apply.
- All games will consist of 3, 15-minute stop-time periods.
- All games will be played to a winner. If a pool-play, quarterfinal, semifinal or consolation game is tied after regulation time, the game will continue to a 5-minute, 3-on-3 stop-time overtime period. If the game is still tied after overtime, it will go to a 3-man shootout. If still tied, the shootout will proceed to a sudden-death shootout. No player may shoot a second time until the team with the least number of players on its bench has used all its players.
- In case of championship games, if the game is tied after regulation, the teams will continue to play 1, 15-minute 5-on-5 sudden-death stop-time overtime period until a winner is declared. If still tied, the the game will proceed to a 3-man shootout followed by a sudden-death shootout.
- If, during any game, either team has a 7-goal advantage, the game clock will change to “running time.” Only if the game returns to a 2-goal difference will the clock return to stop-time during the final 2 minutes.
- Each game will begin with a 3-minute warmup period.
- There will be a 1-minute break between periods.
- Each team is allowed a 1, 30-second timeout each game.
- Each team is required to supply its own warmup pucks.
- Penalty box attendants are not required at any level.
Points will be awarded as follows:
- 3 points for a regulation win
- 2 points for an overtime or shootout win
- 1 point for an overtime or shootout loss
- 0 points for a regulation loss
The maximum goal differential recorded for all games is 7. For example, if a team wins by an actual score of 10-2, that game will be recorded with a final score of 9-2, reflecting the 7-goal maximum differential. The 7-goal differential will also apply for any tie-breaking procedures. A forfeited game will be recorded as a 1-0 score and regulation loss for the team declaring the forfeit and a regulation win for the opposing team.
If 2 teams are tied for more than 1 position:
- Head-to-Head result between the 2 tied teams
- If the 2 teams did not play each other in regulation, Goal Differential for all games played (maximum of 7 goals per game differential)
- If the 2 teams did not play each other in regulation, Fewest Goals Against for all games played (maximum of 7 goals per game differential)
- If the 2 teams did not play each other in regulation, Most Goals Scored for all games played (maximum of 7 goals per game differential)
If 3 or more teams are tied for more than 1 position (if all tied teams have played each other in round robin):
- Most Points for games played between the tied teams (ie. if one team has beaten the other 2 teams, that team will advance)
- Goal Differential for games played between the tied teams (maximum of 7 goals per game differential)
- Fewest Goals Against for games played between the tied teams (maximum of 7 goals per game differential)
- Most Goals Scored for games played between the tied teams (maximum of 7 goals per game differential)
If 3 or more teams are tied for more than 1 position (if the tied teams have not played each other in round robin):
- Goal Differential for all round-robin games played (maximum of 7 goals per game differential)
- Fewest Goals Against for all round-robin games played (maximum of 7 goals per game differential)
- Most Goals Scored for all round-robin games played (maximum of 7 goals per game differential)
The tournament and its participating facilities champion a zero-tolerance policy regarding any verbal abuse of any player, official, parent or spectator. The tournament director and rink staffs reserve the right to remove any violator from the premises and any issues regarding abusive behavior or conduct will be referred to the tournament director for potential further action.
- All USA Hockey/SCAHA 8U playing and equipment rules apply.
- The designated home team will wear dark-colored jerseys and visiting team light-colored jerseys. Teams are encouraged to work with the opposition (team manager/coach) before games to avoid potential jersey color conflicts.
- All game will be played with intermediate-sized nets and lighter ADM pucks.
- All games will consist of 3, 20-minute run-time periods.
- A buzzer will sound every 90 seconds of play for (required) player/line changes.
- All games are played 4-on-4 with a goalie.
- Even though games are "full ice," offsides will not apply.
- All pool-play games will end after regulation, regardless of score. In the case of a tie after regulation in the championship game, the teams will continue to play 1, 20-minute sudden-death run-time period until a winner is declared. If still tied, the game will proceed to a 3-man shootout followed by a sudden-death shootout.
- Each game will begin with a 3-minute warmup period. Each team is required to supply its own warmup pucks.
- There will be a 1-minute break between periods.
- The 8U division does not track individual stats or use scoresheets (no roster stickers are needed).
Points will be awarded as follows:
- 2 points for a win
- 1 point for a tie
- 0 point for a loss
The maximum goal differential recorded for all games is 7. For example, if a team wins by an actual score of 10-2, that game will be recorded with a final score of 9-2, reflecting the 7-goal maximum differential. The 7-goal differential will also apply for any tiebreaking procedures. A forfeited game will be recorded as a 1-0 score and regulation loss for the team declaring the forfeit and a regulation win for the opposing team.
If 2 teams are tied for more than 1 position:
- Head-to-Head result between the 2 tied teams
- Goal Differential for all pool-play games played
- Fewest Goals Against for all pool-play games played
If 3 or more teams are tied for more than 1 position:
- Most Points for games played between the tied teams (ie. if one team has beaten the other 2 teams, that teams will advance)
- Goal Differential for games played between the tied teams (maximum of 7 goals per game differential)
- Fewest Goals Against for games played between the tied teams (maximum of 7 goals per game differential)
The tournament director reserves the right to modify any rules deemed detrimental to the best interest of the tournament or amateur hockey.
The decision of the tournament director is final.